If knowledge automatically led to safe behaviour, Health & Safety managers would see few incidents. And it would be a lot easier for Learning Professionals too. Unfortunately, behaviour can be difficult to predict. What can you do to get employees moving in the safe direction?
How to make sure you keep it in mind
Paying attention to safe working just once. And perhaps an annual refresher course. This makes it difficult to prevent unsafe behaviour. With a continuous campaign, you reduce risks.
What were those safety rules again? The moment employees asks themselves that question, you make sure that the answer is close at hand. In this way, safe behaviour quickly becomes a habit.
A bit safer every day. Surely your organisation is also striving for this. And that’s why you include the importance of working safely in your training sessions. Such as calling each other to account for unsafe situations.
We work for, learn together and grow with
unsafe situations that lead to accidents. With Virtual or Augmented Reality, you can experience it ‘as if in real life’. And that has an impact. And sometimes a simple instruction card is enough. Which learning resources do you use to instill safe behaviour?
From Interactive Video to face-to-face meetings. From Augmented Reality to Infographic. What does your safety campaign look like?
Using a tried and tested method, together we make your goal and its impact clear. In this way, you can be sure that your requirements will be met. Guaranteed.
An internal workshop with stakeholders from HR, L&D and the department. One that makes use, necessity and solution clear.
Together with you, we design a didactic concept. Tailored to one or, if necessary, several target groups.
A single intervention is usually not enough. If necessary, we use various learning resources and channels.
Together with you, we assemble the ideal combination of online and offline learning resources. We keep what is good.
When do you know that your colleagues are acting safely? We agree the indicators with you.
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