Financial Services

Learning solutions to remain customer-focused and compliant


Colleagues who gain the customer’s trust

As a Learning Professional in the financial services sector, you have a lot to do. Because how does your organisation stay compliant and beat the competition? Professional and personal growth of your colleagues will get you there. And you can get help for that.

Is this also your responsibility?

  • Does every colleague apply their knowledge of laws and regulations?
  • Does everyone adhere to the privacy requirements?
  • Are the consultants ready for the launch of the new products and services?

We feel completely at home with this kind of issue. What is your question?

We also work for

Looking for answers to questions like these?

  • Does every colleague apply the knowledge of laws and regulations?
  • Does everyone adhere to the rules of conduct and privacy requirements?
  • Are the advisors ready for the launch of the new products and services?
These kinds of issues are right up our alley. We help you find answers with smart (learning) interventions through e-Learning and blended learning.

Bespoke eLearning

With which learning resources will you achieve the greatest impact? And does this fit your budget? We find out for you.

Learning platform for financial service providers

Which Learning Platform can you use to promote Learning, Development and Knowledge Sharing? How do you activate employees and keep a grip on their performance? With UP, you have plenty of choice.

Claudia Hendriks

"Onze gebruikers vinden het prettig dat in de interactieve video de andere (foutieve) antwoorden ook bekeken kunnen worden.”

This is how we help you

Bespoke e-Learning and Learning Platforms


  • Quickly familiarizing new employees with the learning and organizational culture.
  • Learning about processes and procedures.
  • Training through system simulations to ensure data is always in order.
  • Training through system simulations to keep data consistently organized.

Bespoke e-Learning

  • Both online and offline training for developing knowledge and advisory skills.
  • Becoming aware of risks through interactive methods.
  • Using Virtual and Augmented Reality to train for real-life situations.

Learning Platform

  • Learning where, when, and how it suits the employees.
  • Fully integrating Learning Experience and Performance Management.
  • Keeping a grip on the development of employees and teams.

Ask us for advice

Searching for bespoke e-Learning or a Learning Platform? Call, mail or fill in the form.