
Learn by listening


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A podcast as a learning resource. What is it? How do you make it?

The term “podcasting” is a fusion of ‘iPod’ and ‘broadcasting’. A kind of radio show to which you can listen at any time. In the car or on public transport, for example.

  • You can listen to podcasts where, when and as often as you like. Offline or online, because often you can also download them.
  • Podcasts are very suitable for interviewing content experts. An extra weapon for knowledge sharing!
  • Podcasts are ideal for using in training courses. In addition to introducing guest colleagues, for example, also for training listening skills.

Need an interviewer?

Looking for an interviewer or moderator for your podcast? Discover the voice of Jesse Philipsen in the example below. He and his equipment are at your service.

Use the three Ps to make your podcast a success

Recording a podcast is a piece of cake. But a podcast with impact requires preparation.


What is the goal, the target group and does the message fit into a single podcast? Is the podcast provided by one person only? How long will it last? Where can we record?


The quality of the sound is crucial. Make sure you summarise the key message at the end. And add sound effects. Are you making multiple episodes? Fixed features are a fine anchor.


Is the podcast for internal or external use? What channels do you use? Are statistics important?

We’re here to help you

We offer all the facilities you need to record a podcast, including a host if required. Please ask your question below, and we will contact you shortly.

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