
When a picture says more than a 1,000 words. What does an animation say?


We work for, learn together and grow with

Animated from captivation to engagement to action

Animations facilitate the transfer of information. The combination of image and sound makes the message easy to remember. Depending on your goal, it can be a great alternative or complement to another learning tool. With a teaser animation, for example, you can stimulate someone for the next (learning) intervention after which the message will land better. That’s one of the advantages, but there are others.

Three reasons to use Animations in your learning intervention

  • Abstract or complex information. That costs our brain a lot of energy. Animations make it understandable and easier to grasp.
  • Our brain processes visual information efficiently and quickly. Scientific research also shows that we remember things better when we see and hear them.
  • Recognise that? You read and your thoughts wander. You read the piece again. And again. An animation helps you to follow the lesson. The movement keeps you alert.
What types of Animation are there?

Different Animations for different purposes

You see animations every day. As advertising on TV or the internet, for example. What kinds of Animation can you use as a Learning Professional?

Trainees recognise themselves in the character or put together their own favourite character. Because you identify with the character, your attention is greater. Use character animations when:

  • you want to give something a personal feeling or human touch
  • you want to replace a physical instructor or trainer with a recognisable character
  • you want to use emotions through facial expressions and movements
  • you want to show real life incidents


Think of your favourite cartoon. Outspoken characters plunged into all sorts of adventures. If you apply this in your learning intervention, you will make learning a lot more fun and exciting. Use this style when:

  • you want to communicate a difficult subject in a light-hearted way
  • the interaction between different characters is important

This is a well-known technique whereby you take a photo of every small adjustment in a physical environment and then string all the photos together. Use stop-motion when:

  • you want to tell a story with real objects
  • you want to show the construction of a physical object step by step

You see the characters as black silhouettes. They are therefore in high contrast to the background. Use these, for example, to:

  • tell a story from the past
  • make a message stand out

These are very simplified drawings. For example, a human being consists of 5 stripes (body, 2 arms, 2 legs) and a ball as the head.

To explain complex subjects in a simple way, moving graphics are a good idea. Have them interact with each other. Add text and a voice-over for extra clarification.

You see a white surface and a hand with a pencil. The hand moves quickly and you can see the illustration emerging. Accompanied by the illustrator, a voice-over or some music, the story unfolds before you. As a viewer, you concentrate as you follow the story.

In technical terms, this is ‘kinetic typography’. This form is often used when there is a bit more text in the animation, for example:

  • to explain a story
  • to emphasise the key message with distinctive fonts and movement

A screencast is a screen recording of a back-office system, an app or a website. They are often cost-effective because you can train large groups without repeatedly taking up a content expert’s time.

With an Infographic, complex issues or processes can be made clear quickly. With a subtle animation, you draw attention to exactly where you want it.

Besides your characters, you also have a background. But it remains a flat image. Use this when:

  • you do not want distractions as you deliver your message
  • you want to have complete freedom when styling your animation
  • you want a quick explanatory video
  • the budget is limited

With a 3D animation, you draw the viewer into a new world. This can be particularly useful for complex subjects. For example, to:

  • train safely
  • present a product or prototype
  • explain a process, structure, or multi-dimensional concept

See also  Virtual en Augmented Reality.

In this form, you record a video in which the people in the video interact with animations that are added to the video afterwards.

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